What can I say? The entire country has turned into a winter wonderland! Yes, that’s right – it’s snowing here in Holland, and it has been snowing continuously throughout the day. It’s truly remarkable! Thankfully, I made it to work on time this morning. Work was bustling, with back-to-back calls due to numerous flight cancellations and delays. At one point, I was completely exhausted from all the talking!

I finished my shift at 5:30 pm and had to walk to the station. There was a substantial amount of snow, almost up to my ankles! It was a picturesque sight, but I’ve had my fill. Later in the evening, Rosemarie called me at 9:30 pm and asked me to guess how many calls were waiting. I guessed between 20 and 30, thinking it was similar to what we had all day. Well, I was way off! There were a whopping 70 calls waiting! I thought to myself, “Oh dear Lord!” That must have been a real headache, especially when you see the display showing the number of people waiting, blinking red – utterly exasperating. I’m relieved I didn’t have to work in the evening. I would have been extremely frustrated!

Tomorrow, I think I’ll catch an earlier train, just to be on the safe side. I don’t feel like waking up half an hour earlier, but I’ll survive! I’m off to bed now; I’m quite tired, still recovering from the night shifts I worked over the weekend. Anyway!