Two days ago, I celebrated my 40th birthday, and it’s quite a milestone. I must admit that I feel surprisingly okay about it. The day itself was calm, a bit lonely, and admittedly, a tad boring. However, I did have the opportunity to go live on Twitch in the evening, playing episode 3 of Life Is Strange 2. I had the pleasure of spending time with my wonderful little community, who generously showered me with donations and bits. It was truly awesome! By the way, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to those who made me feel so loved on my birthday!

The reason I’m handling turning 40 with such composure might be related to some significant changes I made in my life two weeks prior. I’ve shared these changes on Twitter and Twitch. For a while, I was the kind of person who would have a drink or five almost every night. Yes, EVERY NIGHT! Feeling that buzz was sort of my thing, which I know sounds less than ideal, but it was my reality. I had been doing this for the past two or three years, perhaps even longer. Mostly, I was drinking strong beer, the kind with at least 10% alcohol per can. Occasionally, I’d have wine, but that was rare. I would even start drinking during my live Twitch streams.

So, the changes I made… Two weeks ago, I decided to quit drinking cold turkey. I stopped buying alcohol when doing my grocery shopping, and I also gave up drinking Coke Zero. Now, two weeks later, I feel fantastic, though I did go through some withdrawal symptoms, mainly headaches. But it seems I’ve overcome that hurdle as well.

Now, does this mean that I’ll never touch a drink again? Well, not necessarily! I’m striving to maintain this break for at least a month, as a sort of cleanse. Perhaps even longer, who knows. I think enjoying an occasional glass of wine is okay, as long as it’s in moderation. No more of the old habits of getting drunk every night; I genuinely feel those days are behind me.

I must say I’m rather surprised, and I’m quite proud of myself too. It just goes to show that where there’s a strong will, there’s a way, right?

I want to embark on my 40s by taking better care of my body and mind. Maybe shed a few pounds, which I can already feel happening since I stopped drinking. I’m also giving my skin more attention. It’s all going quite well! Besides, not buying alcohol and soda anymore has a significant financial benefit as well.

So, yes, I’m now 40, and it’s been a great start. During my thirties, I dealt with a lot of ups and downs, family drama, periods of depression, and excessive drinking. However, I’ve made a conscious decision to change things for the better.

Do I love it? Absolutely!