So, last night marked the kick-off of my streaming adventures for the new year on Twitch. Gotta say, I was feeling a bit jittery and on edge. Why, you ask? Well, I decided to roll out a whole new vibe for my channel as part of the grand entrance into 2024. I not only revamped the look but also tinkered with some behind-the-scenes stuff, and let me tell you, that led to a few technical hiccups during the live stream. Panic mode, right? But, hey, it all turned out alright, and a huge shoutout to my awesome viewers who came through with some lifesaving help. Major thanks, guys!

Now, let’s rewind to last year. My Twitch channel was sporting this whole circus/carnival theme, which was cool and all. But for this new year, I decided it was time for a change. Drumroll, please… I transformed it into something that mirrors the style of my blog and website. Picture this: a sleek, magazine-inspired look with a matching color palette. Spent my entire two-week break over the holidays working on this redesign, taking it slow, brainstorming ideas, and picking up some new skills along the way. Learning and designing, a winning combo.

The Twitch Channel Glow-Up
The Twitch Channel Glow-Up

All the magic happened within OBS Studio, with a touch of Photoshop wizardry for the graphics. The best part? The layout is flexible, and I can swap out the “magazine cover” easily with different images. Plus, I’ve got these slick “magazine article” graphics that I showcase in a slideshow during my “just chatting” scenes to add that extra dynamic flair.

The Twitch Channel Glow-Up
The Twitch Channel Glow-Up

But here’s the real game-changer: audio settings. I dove into OBS Studio and tweaked things so that I can disable the background music in the VODs (you know, those recordings that end up on my channel after the livestream). Now, during the live show, I can groove to my Spotify playlist without worrying about it interfering with the VODs. Big shoutout to my bestie George for suggesting this genius move and tossing me some helpful video tutorial links.

And let me tell you about last night’s stream—it was an absolute blast. Those two weeks away from the streaming grind did wonders for recharging my batteries and tackling other projects. But the best part? Reconnecting with everyone in the Twitch fam. It feels good to be back!