I want to share a difficult decision I’ve made regarding my streaming journey. Instead of waiting until March 31 as initially planned, I’ve decided to end my streams with immediate effect. I’m pulling the plug early.

I’ve been wrestling with a lingering sense of discouragement that I can’t quite identify the source of. Despite my best efforts to overcome it, it has made streaming increasingly challenging for me. It’s a decision I haven’t taken lightly, but I believe it’s crucial for my mental well-being.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who have been a part of this incredible journey over the past six years. Your love and support have been the driving force behind every stream, and I’m sincerely thankful for the community we’ve built together.

As much as I’ve enjoyed bringing content to you all, I can’t continue in a way that feels forced and uninspired. I hope you understand and respect my decision. I’ll always cherish the memories we’ve created and the connections made during our time together.

Thank you once again for the fantastic moments we’ve shared.

Pulling The Plug Early: Bye Bye Twitch