I had some unexpected company this evening! Verena and Cindy were in The Hague, braving the current miserable weather for some shopping. Afterward, they swung by my place for a casual evening of snacking and drinks. It was a blast, as it always is when they’re around. We shared some hearty laughs, just like old times. We sipped on wine and Martinis, and now that they’ve left, I’m all set to continue indulging in my laziness. Those dirty dishes will just have to wait for tomorrow; I’m not in the mood for them right now.

So far, the weekend has been treating me well, though it seems to be speeding by. I haven’t made any specific plans for tomorrow yet, but I’m contemplating squeezing in some exercise on my cross trainer. I’ve really let my fitness slide. Unfortunately, Monday marks my return to work, and the thought of a full five-day workweek is a bit disheartening.

Well, that’s about it for me. I’ll savor my little glass of wine and go with the flow, enjoying whatever comes my way. I hope everyone else is having a wonderful weekend, especially those who aren’t clocking in for the weekend shift.