Happy new year, everyone!! I hope you all had a fantastic start to 2024. My New Year’s Eve was pretty low-key but awesome, and most importantly, safe. Just chilled at home, flew solo, and had a super laid-back evening. Tuned into some tunes, caught a bit of TV – you know, just doing my thing. Oh, and I started working on this Central Perk 3D puzzle inspired by Friends. Can’t wait to see it all come together.

As for New Year’s resolutions, not my jam. Never been into waiting for the calendar to change for a fresh start. Why wait for January 1st when you can shake things up any day? Resolutions, especially the whole “new year, new me” vibe, seem a bit much. I’m all for hoping for good stuff, but making changes you could’ve made ages ago just because it’s a new year feels a tad off.

But hey, no rain on anyone’s resolution parade here. I’ll probably just keep being my silly self. Hoping for a smoother ride in 2024 – 2023 threw me some curveballs I didn’t see coming.

What I do dig about New Year’s is reflecting on the past year. It’s a chance for self-awareness and growth, reviewing what went down, the wins, the challenges. It’s a positive process, helping you understand yourself better and set meaningful goals for the coming year. But, hey, to some, it’s just another day.

Took a break from Twitch over the holidays, a good two weeks of downtime. Pumped to get back into streaming, catch up with cool folks on the weekends, and do more blogging on my website. Gotta share those awesome experiences and passions.

Job hunt’s still on my plate. Hoping to stumble upon that perfect gig – you know the drill. Rejections can be a buzzkill, but fingers crossed for the right fit soon.

On a brighter note, hoping for more travel adventures this year. Last year was a blast, and I want to keep the momentum going. Top of the list? Reuniting with my bestie George. Missing those hangouts, and yikes, the big 4-4 is around the corner. Time really flies when you’re adulting, huh?

How about you? Any specific hopes and dreams for the new year? Always curious to hear what’s on people’s minds as the calendar flips.

So, here’s to a kickass year ahead! Wishing everyone joy, laughter, and maybe a few unexpected surprises. Cheers to whatever 2024 throws our way! Happy new year, everyone!

PS: I may be very tipsy right now.