Oh, the current weather is absolutely delightful! It’s such a relief not to endure that freezing cold anymore. Honestly, I can’t stand the cold. I’m eagerly anticipating the arrival of summer, with some exciting plans on the horizon. In May, I’m heading to London, and come August, I’ll be exploring South America – how thrilling! And the best part? I’ll be bidding farewell to my job in November, which sounds even more amazing! Haha, but I’m not entirely sure about that yet.

Today, I attended a training session at work with a few of my colleagues. It focused on the E-Service desk, but honestly, it was quite dull. We delved into the intricacies of the KLM website, troubleshooting errors, and the technical aspects of how the page is constructed, among other things. On the bright side, the breaks were longer. During lunch, a colleague and I took advantage of the sunny weather and sat outside, which was very pleasant. Tomorrow, I have another training session, lasting just two days. Fortunately, I’ll have Friday off. After work tomorrow, I’m off to Amsterdam to meet up with Sharon, and I’ll be staying at her place since she also has Friday off. So, things are looking up, except for the weekend when I have to work – those darn work commitments!

In other news, I received my paycheck today and had vowed to be frugal. However, the urge to splurge got the better of me, and I ended up buying clothes, two pairs of shoes, and the fourth season DVD of Sex and the City. Oh well, sometimes you just can’t resist a good shopping spree, right? Haha! Am I content with my purchases? Who knows!

Now, let’s talk about the ongoing debate surrounding Madonna’s new song, American Life. Opinions are divided, with some people absolutely loving it and others finding it dreadful. As for me, I’m firmly in the “I love it” camp!

Anyway, it’s time for me to sign off. I’m looking forward to snuggling up in bed and watching my Sex and the City DVDs. I hope everyone is doing well. Feel free to give me some feedback, I’m in the mood for some attention, you know, it’s all about me right now! Just kidding! Bye for now!