
It’s a Celebration

So, my ultimate idol, Madonna, unveiled her latest world tour this past Tuesday, and ticket sales kicked off yesterday. I was in a state...

Kathy Griffin in Amsterdam

What’s up, everyone! This evening marked one of the most incredible nights of my life! After being a fan for a whole decade, I...

Happy New Year

First and foremost, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I hope you all had an amazing New Year’s Eve. I certainly...

Dress code: Mystic Black

Where I work, a significant amount of money is allocated each year for the annual Christmas party for all employees. Just yesterday, they unveiled...

Dinner at Samba Kitchen in Amsterdam

After finishing work, I joined Priscilla, Verena, Gosia, Alex, Maya, and Yee Lai for a delightful dinner outing. We chose Samba Kitchen, a charming...

A night out in Amsterdam

Wow! Partying in Amsterdam until the early hours really takes its toll on you, seriously. Last night, I hit Amsterdam with Verena, Cindy, and...

I feel totally Tai Tai-ed!

Yesterday, work was rather depressing for me, to be honest. It felt like a real downer, but I did manage to get through it....

Dinner and cocktails in Amsterdam

Last Monday, Verena treated me to a delightful dinner in Amsterdam, joined by Cindy. We enjoyed a lovely meal at De Kroon (The Crown),...

Justin Timberlake rocked Amsterdam

Last night, I had the pleasure of attending Justin Timberlake’s 2007 FutureSex/LoveShow at the Amsterdam Arena, and Soraya was my companion for the evening....

Free again

Hello, folks! I’ve got some time off work again, nearly two weeks, to be precise – a total of eleven days. I’m absolutely loving...

I got Madonna tickets!

Hooray! I managed to secure two tickets for Madonna’s show in Amsterdam through the ICON fanclub pre-sale! I’m all set for September third, and...

A birthday celebration

Yesterday, I had a work shift that lasted until 9:30 pm. After work, Gosia and Maya kindly picked me up, and we headed to...

It’s all about the Mojito

Last night was an absolute blast! I headed to The Arc in Amsterdam with Soraya, and it was cocktail night! We indulged in some...

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